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10. Convolution, Cross Correlation, CNN Architecture, MLP vs CNN, some example of CNN, Transfer Learning

Lecture 34 Convolution

Discussion Content : Linear Time Invariant System, Linear Shift Invariant System, Convolution Concept Content File : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tkqy...

Lecture 35 Cross Correlation

Concept Covered : Convolution Concept Continued, Cross Correlation Concept

Lecture 36 CNN Architecture

Concept Covered : Convolution Layer, Receptive Field, Nonlinearity, Pooling Content File : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rzIb...

Lecture 37 MLP versus CNN, Popular CNN Architecture LeNet

Concepts Covered : Advantage of using CNN over fully connected MLP, LeNet Architecture, ILSVRC Challenge

Lecture 38 Popular CNN Architecture AlexNet

Concepts Covered : AlexNet architecture and connecting it with vanishing gradient, and methods to reduce overfitting (data augmentation and dropout) Content File : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ED8P...

Lecture 39 Popular CNN Architecture VGG16, Transfer Learning

Concepts Covered : VGG 16 architeure and Transfer Learning Content File : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RLGC...


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